What Sets Us Apart

What Sets Us Apart

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Eden Alternative Warmth Survey


Eden Alternative Warmth Surveys measure the levels of optimism, trust and generosity across an organization, in contrast to standard satisfaction surveys.

Every gardener knows that you can’t grow plants in frozen soil.  In this metaphor, the soil is the culture that exists in an organization.  If that culture is very cold, we know from our experience that implementation of The Eden Alternative will not grow and develop.  There is a continuum from cold to warm, and every organization falls somewhere along that continuum.  Cold organizations are characterized by pessimism, cynicism, and stinginess, while warm organizations are characterized by optimism, trust and generosity. These qualities are essential to the success of culture change initiatives.

Eben Ezer would like your assistance to help us determine where we land on the continuum of cold to warm and to help us continue our journey to a warmer climate and adopting person-directed care practices.

Complete the survey here:  https://cvent.me/bVXG8l

enterance  Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center in its operations as a faith based benevolent, charitable, non-profit organization observes Christian values in carrying out our purpose. Eben Ezer provides programs and services to persons regardless of pay source and does not limit the number of persons receiving Medicaid benefits. We are one of only three not-for-profit assisted living communities, and one of two not-for-profit nursing homes in the six county region of northeast Colorado – a region that covers over 9,200 square miles.

Our values serve as a driving foundation for decision making and how we conduct ourselves and our business.

At Eben Ezer we value:

    •  Our Christian heritage and support a loving, spiritual climate.
    •  Residents as individuals and promote their self-determination.
    •  Reponsible stewardship of our resources.
    •  Shared responsibility among residents, families, staff and the board, through personal accountability and involvement in decision making.
    •  Continuous growth and development of all.
    •  Strong, consistent leadership through clear communication and trust.
    •  Being an integral part of and mutually supportive of our larger communities.
    •  Our reputation as a leader in the healthcare industry.

Eben Ezer has joined a growing number of pioneers in the long-term care field who seek to create a place for living and growing rather than declining and dying. Eben Ezer strongly adheres to the goals of the Pioneer Network to promote consumer-driven and patient-directed long-term care and we are active in the Colorado Culture Change Coalition, a non-profit organization advancing person-directed care, personal growth and home environments for seniors. At Eben Ezer, we are changing the environment in which we provide skilled nursing care to promote a sense of autonomy, participation and inclusiveness for our residents. We call this initiative A Place Called Home – an initiative that has led to Eben Ezer being honored as the:

El Polmar Foundation Award for Excellence in Senior Services recipient in 2006
First and only registered Eden Alternative facility in northeast Colorado

A Place Called Home

Eben Ezer has initiated a new approach to long-term care that we call A Place Called Home. Based upon the Eden Alternative, developed by Harvard-educated geriatrician, Dr. William Thomas, A Place Called Home represents a shift from the traditional institutional nursing facility to a home environment that encourages companionship, meaningful activity, variety and spontaneity. Eben Ezer is implementing A Place Called Home through:

  •  Greater autonomy:

    A choice of meal, bath and bed time
    Access to snacks between meals
    Inclusion of our residents in meal preparation

  •  Meaningful activities: Concerts in Denver, outings to local events, travel to Central City, hula dancers at our annual luau, animals from the Denver Zoo, dinner at local restaurants, Colorado Rockies games
  •  Intergenerational programs: Over 150 youth participate annually – reading, playing games, delivering ice water, making crafts, taking walks, gardening, playing bingo and transporting residents to various activities
  •  Plants and animals and even a live-in Labradoodle, "Samson"
  •  Training programs, consistent assignments and increased input for our staff
  •  A “Neighborhood Model” for living

    The “Neighborhood Model” is a critical component of the Eden Alternative. At Eben Ezer, the home has been divided into small communities or neighborhoods: Sommerlyst, Deaconess, Nazareth and Bethany, Immanuel, and Elim. Each neighborhood has common living, dining and kitchen areas to promote companionship among residents. In addition, each neighborhood has its own nursing and housekeeping staff to provide familiar, consistent and nurturing care – and neighbors and staff are included in neighborhood decision making. Time spent together creates very close relationships between our caregivers and those in their care, deep and enduring friendships that make life a more joyful experience. The sense of community encouraged by the “Neighborhood Model” translates to improved life quality for our neighbors and heightened job satisfaction for our caregivers.

Person Directed Care

Residents in traditional long-term environments can become helpless, lonely, bored and depressed when they no longer have choices or meaningful connections with others. Eben Ezer has joined a growing number of pioneers in the long-term care field who seek to create a place for living and growing rather than declining and dying. Eben Ezer strongly adheres to the goals of the Pioneer Network to promote consumer-driven and patient-directed long-term care and we are active in the Colorado Culture Change Coalition, a non-profit organization advancing person-directed care, personal growth and homelike environments for the aged. At Eben Ezer, we are changing the environment in which we provide skilled nursing care to promote a sense of autonomy, participation and inclusiveness for our residents. We call this initiative A Place Called Home – an initiative that has led to Eben Ezer being honored as the:

El Pomar Foundation Award for Excellence in Senior Services recipient in 2006

First registered Eden Alternative home in Northeast Colorado

Get In Touch

  •  122 Hospital Road
    Brush, CO 80723
  •  (970) 842-2861
  •  (800) 410-4170
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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